ShannyJ's Art A La Carte

Monday, December 6, 2010

My First Mini Album - Disneyland 2010

This is my first mini album that I made over 6 months ago. I happened to record it with the hopes that I would one day start a blog such as this. I really tried to test out all the different techniques I had learned up until then on each page while experimenting with my cricut machine. I learned a few lessons but in the end I really think it turned out well. This particular video is not a tutorial but more of an inspiration. Let me know what you think and if there are any techniques that you would like to learn from the book. Enjoy!


  1. Shannon, that album is absolutely amazing. I've been eying mini albums and just haven't had the time to devote to making one myself. How long did this take you?

  2. I'll be honest, it took me 2 weeks working on it everyday tirelessly. However, it was my first time making a mini album and my first time making tags, waterfall pages, pull outs etc so it had a lot to figure out. Now that I feel I have mastered a lot of these techniques, I will be posting tutorial videos on them so it doesn't look so intimidating. Thanks for the comment!

  3. Great job Shan. Special future request. I'd like to see a Toy Story album of some sort. I'm a big fan of the water fall effect. It look really kool. Buzz lightyear to the rescue! I think of Liam every time I say that. ;)
