ShannyJ's Art A La Carte

Thursday, December 30, 2010

31 Day Challenge!

Hey everyone! I know that I haven't posted anything in a while and there's a reason for that! I am going to take on Marion Smith's 31 day challenge in January. If you don't know who Marion Smith is, she is the crafter that I follow the most. She does everything from craft, painting, papercraft etc. She is on youtube, has a blog and even does a live ustream show twice a week.

Here is the challenge. We must post a video everyday of January that is not prerecorded. Each day you must have a different goal or task you want to accomplish. These can be craft videos or even cleaning out your cabinets (but really who wants to watch that?) I'm so excited! I have made a list of cool things to do each day and I'm really hoping I can stick with it. Is there a prize you ask? Of course there is. Marion, who started out as a craft blogger, is about to launch a book, DVD and a whole line and the winner gets it all. Aside from my mom, she is my biggest crafting mentor and I can only imagine how awesome her stuff will be. Please check in throughout the month of January and see what I've been up to.

Ok, ok, I'll give you a few things on my list:
Mod Podge my shoes,
Mix media canvas painting
covering an old chair
planning my 30th birthday
There's so much more but you'll have to tune in to see it all. See you all in the New Year!

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