ShannyJ's Art A La Carte

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 15 - 31 Day Challenge

We are now at the halfway point of this challenge and I have to say, I am loving it! Yes, it has been challenging to do a video everyday but it's been rewarding too! I've met new ladies who do the same things and we have been able to swap ideas and give each other tips. I am adding a new element to my challenge for the second half. Since my only time to produce videos is when my son is at school, for three hours in the morning, I have not gone to the gym AT ALL! This past Friday, the school asked to keep him an extra hour for 3 days of the week. I am not challenging myself to go to the gym on those days before I come home and make a video. I'm really excited to see all that I accomplish in the next 16 days of this challenge. Thanks so all of you for watching.